Other Fraudulent Victories
New England Patriots, Super Bowl LI, 2017
Atlanta Falcons won a decisive, massive victory. They easily win. New England Patriots continue play despite the LEGAL OUTCOME. Trying to rig a game. Falcons are winning big and Commissioner announces there is “Still the second half to play.” Trying to STEAL the game! We will never let them do it!
United Colonies of America, Revolutionary War, 1783
British were up BIG. Colonists trying to STEAL the outcome. ANY BATTLE AFTER THE BATTLE OF SARATOGA WILL NOT BE COUNTED! George III: ‘No Question‘ British Would Have Won ‘Convincingly‘ Without Battles after Saratoga
Facebook, top social media platform, 2007
Friendster has 3 million users within months! A big WIN! Friendster is leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances. Winning despite historic interference from big media, big money, and big tech. Then, one by one, the profiles started to magically disappear. Miraculously getting whittled away in secret. Facebook starts finding new users all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan! An update gives Facebook 100% of new profiles! The damage has already been done!
Golden State Warriors, NBA Championship, 2015 and 2017
Cleveland Cavaliers easily win. Easily. If you count the illegal points, the Warriors try to steal these titles. If you count the points that came in late. For 2015 that’s all points after Game 3. For 2017: after 7 minutes in Game 1, after 30 seconds in Game 2, and after the end of the 3rd quarter in Game 3. PHONY! So bad for our Country!
Shakespeare in Love, Academy Award Best Picture 1998
Pollsters predicted Saving Private Ryan. That was false. Phony polls, fake polls, by powerful special interests. They got it knowingly wrong. They knew it. They’re not stupid people. They were what’s called suppression polls, everyone knows that now, and it’s never been used to this extent. As everyone now recognizes, polling was interference in the truest sense of that word. Completely & historically wrong!
Original Coke, 2002
New Coke was up BIG! WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? They are working hard to make the New Coke advantage disappear — ASAP. All of the recent claimed taste tests will be legally challenged by us for Fraud. Plenty of proof — just check out the Media. WE WILL WIN! America First!
The Rebel Alliance, Galactic Civil War, 4 ABY
They want to find the Death Star, and then they seem to be able to find it. They’re finding it all of a sudden. “Oh, we found the Death Star.” Now they keep a wonderful young man, Darth Vader, out of the Galactic Empire. What a terrible thing is happening!